Happily Ever After in a Small Place

Black Romance Set in
a Small Island in the Caribbean.

BWWM Romance

Before there was HEA in a small place, I was writing BWWM Romance. Click here for those books.

Kinky Karibbean

Discover the kinky side of the Caribbean with this collection of short stories. Start reading here.

Other Books

Poetry, mystery, erotica. You name it, I probably tried it, lol. Discover the different paths I went down, to get here by clicking here.

Who the heck is Kim?

Out Now – His Last Wish

How can she say no to his final request, when she’s the reason he’s dead? But the perfect husband has a secret and what she finds may lead to what she’s always wanted.

Coming Soon – Maid for More

When her daughter’s teacher shows her that there is more to life than her daughter’s future. And that life may include him.